full body self portrait

So for this assignment we had to get a large sheet of brown paper and draw a full body life size self portrait with accuracy portraying us. So i did a yoga pose of me. My portrait came out really really well it was very proportionally accurate and the pose looked great and it looked a lot like me. However i did struggle with accuracy in the face and i was told that i could have used more shading. I did subtle shading because thats what i saw there wasnt really any dramatic lighting but i could have pushed the shading more. I was overall really impressed with everyones portraits. They were all very accurate. I was impressed with Kades and the texture in his piece and i was impressed by some other girl who had a coat and a hat in her portrait and even did a line background so she went the extra mile. Her name escapes me but i really liked her portrait. We all did really great and i surprisingly had more fun with this than i thought!

self portrait

So for our assignment we had to draw ourselves sitting in front of a mirror with things on or around us that describe who we are. I’m a flow artist which is a type of interperstove dance with a prop and mine of choice is a hula hoop, and hoop dancing is my life aside from art so I had me balancing a hoop on my head with a peaceful haND gesture and plants and dream catcher and a pinecone in the back. My portrait came out very accurate and I really enjoyed this project more than I thought I would. The only comments I really got were to increase the darks as per usual lol but overall everyone’s portraits came out very accurate and psychologically correct. I think this might have  been my favorite project.

Drawing 2 assignment #8

So for this assignment we had to do an ink drawing of a still life set up. I found working with ink to be very similar to working with water color. Something that the teacher didn’t mention but that I discovered is that using a blow dryer is a life saver! Anywho, they mentioned that i had an overall good range of value on my piece but i missed a couple of important shadows. I really enjoyed this project. I thought that everyone did really well for using such a challenging medium.

Assignment #7 charcoal drawing

So we were assigned to do a charcoal drawing of varying objects and sizes with a fabric back drop. I missed the day that we did a critique so I was advised to do a self critique. I believe I did an “okay” job on my drawing. I met all the criteria, but the objects were bland because I couldn’t find interesting ones. Overall value range was good. Pushed the darks, possibly could of pushed the lights more. Not much to critique.

Drawing 2 Midterm project critique

So I really like my midterm project, sorry I don’t currently hAve a picture. The assignment was to do a drawing in two point at a very high or very low perspective of a space with two spherical items in the space with cross hatch shading used. I met all the standards for the drawing and really took my time with this one, and it turned out great! This in turn made me talk more during the critique because I loved my drawing and everyone’s project was really good. You could tell that everyone spent a lot of time on theirs and took the project seriously. It was definitely one of our better critiques because as I opened up more and critiqued everyone started to chime in aND participate so we all got more feedback than usual.

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Drawing two assignment #4

I missed documenting a couple of the critiques so i am now on assignment number 4. This assignment was to do a two point drawing of a space, and i didn’t get the memo and did a two point drawing of a still life. So for me what i have been learning most from these critiques is that i need to listen better lol I however am very pleased with the progress i have made with two point.That progress showed through the still life that i did, and even more so in my re-do two point drawing. I felt that everyone did a very good job on their two point space drawings. The only thing i can see right now is that we all could do a little better with line variation, and hopefully as we proceed throughout the class people will get more chatty during critiques.

Drawing Two Contour Line Drawing Critique

Soooo for the first project i didnt do that well i feel because i kinda of rushed through it and i didnt zoom in enough for my set up, but i really like the objects that i chose. When i was up close to the paper it looked so dark to me but when i hung up the paper in front of the class you could barely see the drawing. I however got great feedback on how to handle just a simple line drawing and make it interesting without using shading, such as using line variation and making sure that the backgrounds are fully built up. I thought everyone did a really great job on their first project, and most of everyones projects were really zoomed in and detailed which i enjoyed. I really liked Kade’s drawing because he sort of framed his work which i thought was cool but the teacher did nawwwt. So anywho, critique one went pretty good and imma d even betta next timeeee :D!

postcard project- postcard returned


For our postcard project we had to write instructions of how to alter the postcard and then mail it out and report back with what the postcard looks like after we got it back. Well, i mailed mine to my dad with the instructions to color in the blanks with colors that speak to your soul and this is what i got back. I’m really happy with it and i think my dad looks so cute! He had to just send me a picture of him with the postcard because he didn’t have enough time to mail it. Hope you guys enjoy the final result i know i do!

formal analysis matrix applied to another work of art


With the formal analysis matrix you can examine and better understand anything using the 5 concepts of orientation, balance, contrast, pace, and scale. This is what we used to analyze our emotions that we picked for our mobius blocks project. Using this way to analyze the emotions made it waaaay easier to figure out how to use a motion to express those emotions using blocks.  Here’s the formal analysis of this piece that was in the main lounge of the art building at a point in time that i really vibed with. I think it looks like a pinecone hehe love pinecones ~

1. orientation – i feel the orientation is both vertical and horizontal b/c the piece is spiraling out in all directions

2. balance- i would say that this piece is very symmetrical throughout and thats why i feel it’s so pleasing to the eye

3. contrast- i’d say there is low contrast in this piece because there isn’t much variation, it’s all pretty uniform throughout

4. pace- i’d say that this piece could speak in either a fast or slow pace depending on mood of the person,which i really like that

5. scale- medium

Extra credit – Topsy Turvy

So this is my extra credit for digital media. We were assigned for the in-class project awhile back to record 12 20 second videos then for our project we swapped videos with another class mate. So for this extra credit project we were assigned to edit our original videos. I just have a few silly clips of me just bein me twirlin around in my wonderland. I mostly used the same editing style that i used for the last one. Lots of overlapping and heavy filtering and probably not enough blending. But i like it so hey whatever! Hope ya like it Don here ya go